1stMDiv is dedicated to ensuring an enjoyable experience to all members, visitors, and players.
As a part of this we ask to to obey the following rules both in our Discord, as well as in game.
a. Treat everyone with respect. No harassment or hate speech (Sexism, Racism, Homophobia, personal attacks, etc.) will be tolerated. This includes squad names, player names, clan tags, and the use of soundboards.
b. Baiting (Race Bating, homophobic baiting, etc.). Anyone trying to "get close" to breaking 3.1 will be treated as if breaking 3.1.
c. No malicious or toxic behavior is allowed on the server, in the community, or directed towards our player base. This includes abuse towards admins. The word "retard" falls within this area.
a. No unauthorized promotion of other communities, websites, or products without approval.
b. No “not safe for work” (NSFW) or “not safe for life” (NSFL) content allowed.
1stMDiv Server Rules
Section 3, General Rules
3.1 Behavior
3.2 Unauthorized Promotion & Content
3.3 Impersonation
a. Impersonation of 1stRB staff or OWI staff is prohibited.
b. Impersonating a 1stRB member will fall under 3.1c malicious behavior, possibly giving the server and group a bad name. This will result in a warning, then a kick, then a ban if still repeating the same mistake.
a. Main camping is not allowed and is determined based on the player’s intention. It includes engaging assets within a 400m radius of the enemy main, physically being within this radius, or maintaining a direct line of sight to the main base. This rule is void if a main base falls within 400m of a capture point on certain maps. If an admin reasonably interprets your actions as main camping, you will be expected to comply with their instructions.
b. Players are encouraged to contribute to the active capture point(s). Not doing so may result in a kick.
(Firing from within your main camping radius allows the enemy to engage only the source of the attack.)
4.3 Main Camping

4.5 Vehicle Rules
a. Only vehicles that require crewman or pilot kits can be name claimed.
b. Name your squad after the vehicle to claim it.
c. You cannot name claim more than one vehicle. For example: M1A2/M2A3, etc.
d. Claims with incorrect spelling will be forfeited.
e. Specific names have higher priority. If names are equally specific, then it's first-come, first-served.
f. Squads can only claim one vehicle unless it’s not being used or claimed by another squad.
g. Claims are only valid while both the squad and the vehicle are in the main base. You cannot "steal" claim a vehicle that has already left the main base, even if it returns while still in use.
h. Stealing a vehicle or asset from another squad is prohibited unless it has been abandoned. Mods that allow you to steal an enemy vehicle are allowed, but you cannot take them back to the enemy main.
i. A single crew member cannot hold an asset at the main base for more than 1 minute without the rest of the squad. After 1 minute, the claim must be given up if another squad is ready.
j. One-manning vehicles that require crewman is prohibited. This does not apply to pilots.
Specific Names and Priority:
1. M1A2, Bradley, Stryker, MI-8, MI-8 CAS, etc.
4. Any other squad name
Crew Requirements:
a. Do not leave the main base until your vehicle has two crew members inside.
b. If your vehicle has only two crew members and one dies or disconnects, you must hold your position or return to a friendly spawn point (HAB or Main) to pick up a replacement.
c. Crew members can leave the vehicle to perform tasks (e.g., repairs, using binoculars, digging fortifications) but are expected to remain close to the vehicle.
4.6 Communications
a. No arguing in voice or text chat.
b. No chat or microphone spam, especially during staging.
c. No debating the rules in-game.
4.8 Asset Wasting & Sabotage
No Asset Wasting and/or Sabotage.
a. Intentionally damaging or destroying friendly vehicles is not allowed.
b. The abandonment of vehicles that require crewmen is not allowed.
c. Damaging or destroying friendly radios to sabotage your team is not allowed.
This does not include the strategic importance of digging down friendly radios to prevent ticket loss.
4.7 Squad Rules
a. Squad Leaders must have an SL kit, a microphone, and be able to speak English.
b. Making a Squad and leaving it, or giving another player SL to get a desired kit, is not allowed.
c. No offensive, derogatory, inappropriate squad names. This includes any that may violate Rule 3.2 or 3.1.
d. One-man locked squads are only allowed for helicopters and vehicles that do not require a crewman kit.
e. Unarmed kits are not allowed and may result in a kick and/or ban. Squad leads reserve the right to kick from their squad as they choose.
Section 4, Gameplay Rules
4.1 Game Exploitation
a. No cheating, glitching, or using exploits to gain an advantage (This includes incorrect use of admin cam and any external programs not authorized by OWI).
b. All build that is being put down must not go above a hesco towers height from the ground/building that is built upon. Not upon the build. Anything greater than this will result in a kick and/or ban from the server. (This means sandpiles/sandbags/etc. cannot be taller than a hesco wall/tower).
4.2 Ghosting
Ghosting, defined as providing/gaining information in-game that you would not otherwise have, is not authorized in the 1stRB server.
4.4 Teamkilling
a. Intentional Team Killing is prohibited, including revenge killing. (Intentional team killing is dealt with as follows: 1 TK = 1 day ban per kill / 4+ in succession = 30-day ban).
b. Team Killing and Disconnecting is unauthorized. Doing so may result in a ban.